Saturday, 4 March 2017

"My heart leaps up when I behold a rainbow in the sky", Wordsworth

This photo was taken last week off the Wainui coast by Phil when we had some unusual weather with rainbows reported each of three nights.

Last time I mentioned the damage done by the high winds, not so many of those lately so as I'm fascinated by cloud formations I had this bright idea of photographing the sky and garden from the same spot every day, out of my bathroom window!

Not bad, I thought - interesting clouds, there's the lavender, the edge of the bay tree, the orange monsters  - I think that's bird dirt on the window.........

This one you can make out details in the end garden bed - but after five or six days when the sky was gloomy and overcast each day - I decided to abandon my 'artwork' !!

This is more artwork that I abandoned - not mine, but designed by Judy Dales at a symposium more years ago than I care to recall.  You see the Griffins biscuit tin on the shelf? that's the one I used to carry around my hexagons as I was working on them - each to their own, I suppose.

I went into Wellington city last week, it's been ages since I did shopping there, managed to get a car park almost outside Minerva where I bought a fascinating little book, "Rules for my Son" by Walker Lamond - no doubt I'll share some of the wisdom with you.  

I also spent quite a time in Unearthed - vintage & retro store and have even put my name down for an old typewriter, here's why

Yup, that's me! back in the UK when I worked at the head office of the West Sussex Fire Brigade, in Chichester - probably about seventeen; I just loved office work, typing and shorthand: how lucky is that, as I'm still doing it. Though to be honest, judging by the number of mistakes I'm making this evening, an old fashioned typewriter could be a huge mistake!

Time for bed, I think, so I'll leave you with another of Phil's photos and the advice to "Do your washing often. You won't need as many clothes."

Another rainbow, this time taken on the bank of the Hutt River.

Thanks for reading my blog,
Take care,


FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Rainbows are beautiful and always make me smile and sometimes even laugh right out loud. God is good.

Have a lovely weekend ~ FlowerLady

Nancy J said...

What a treasure to have that photo. An old typewriter? I learnt on a Remington ,I think, many years ago!! Phil does get some remarkable photos from those places he visits. Wellington, I haven't been there for some time now, but Minerva is one shop I try and visit. My librarian friend called her cat Minerva!!!

Gill said...

Love the photos you share June ... Phil's and yours too. Taking a photo from the same window regularly is an interesting idea too.

The photo of you sitting at the typewriter reminds me of being taught on one very similar by the Post Office in Wellington, early 1960s, before I went nursing. Next door neighbour Bob Parks got me a job there. All seems so far back in time now!

Gill said...

I saw something today which I thought you would enjoy if you do not already know this woman's work:
I especially like the last image of the cat on the ironing board :)