Sunday, 1 March 2015

Sunrise, hotspots and quilts by the Shut in Stitchers

Another view of the sunrise from Lake Tarawera - again courtesy of son Phil.

Last Thursday was the monthly meeting of Pinestream Quilters -the group based in Upper Hutt which takes its name from the two areas, Pinehaven and Silverstream - we arrived to the unusual sight of women carrying bowls of water to throw onto the ground........

then someone called the local fire brigade who did a much more efficient job of dowsing down the hot spots.

I was recently able to take along to a meeting a couple of quilts made in the prison, the maker wanted them to be donated to the Women's Refuge and we were delighted to accept them on their behalf.

One large and one small - ready for a mother and child, I was told.  I'm sure they'll bring comfort.

At another club meeting, this time at Capital which is based in Lower Hutt, was another of their interesting blocks of the month :

I look forward to seeing the completed top sometime........

I've often shared photographs taken by Phil over in the Rapa, it's always been a favourite spot and several years ago my late husband and I used to enjoy visiting the great golf courses, and second hand shops - there was also a sweet little cottage out in the wop wops that sold a great assortment of items, and it was there I found this tray -

A cat and a quilt!  How could I resist?

I've spent quite a lot of time in my sewing room this week, oh it's a good feeling to be back in there!  I've made the binding for two quilts that I donated to the Community House Pinestream is supporting, today I cut out the pieces for a block of the month - I'll show it when I've finished it.

I also pulled this top out from the pile -

It's the third one made from blocks that were given to me after my two years as President of Wellington Guild, these are the sort of autumn shades......... and it's now sandwiched -

Not an unpleasant task using my large kauri table while sort of watching television.

I'm mindful that I'm still de-cluttering and sorting, but I still recently had a yen for a proper butter dish, so I searched the Op Shops - my regular S.P.C.A. shop made a note of my requirement - and then, bless them, one morning there it was -

and I love it!

as I love this photograph by Phil of the blue lake at sunrise and I'll leave you with the thought, "Bad habits are like a comfortable bed, easy to get into but hard to get out of." Anonymous

Thanks so much for all your good wishes and for reading my blog.
Take care,


Nancy J said...

Lovely quilts, and Lake Tarawera, we lived at the end of the road for about 24 years, the Mountain took on glorious colours on a cold winter's afternoons. Hope your eye is improving , like the cheese ad, all good things take time.

Helen said...

hello, it's lovely to see you blogging again and Phil's pictures and your quilts!

MrsC (Maryanne) said...

I love your butter dish! Recently I had a yen for one also, and bought one off trademe, but nothing as nice as that. Nice quilts also! ;-)

MrsC (Maryanne) said...

I love your butter dish! Recently I had a yen for one also, and bought one off trademe, but nothing as nice as that. Nice quilts also! ;-)