Wednesday 16 November 2011

Otago on location, tumbling blocks and more strings

What wonderful clouds - and can you see the cherub blowing?  top right, I am sure I can see a face....!

Another shot from my son, somewhere in Otago on his way down to Dunedin - though when they got there, after a day of rain, this is what the site looked like -

I mentioned Art Quilts which some of my friends make, it's a thorny subject sometimes, you know, one person's art.......... like the cleaner recently who scrubbed off what she thought was a dirty mark in the gallery and it turned out to be part of the installation.!! ouch!

On one of my recent walks I came across two young men sticking posters on a wall - and from across the road, it definitely looked like a piece of Art -

Could be a quilt pattern, or a mosaic.....

I have contemplated doing Bonnie Hunter's Mystery quilt - but then again, I do have enough projects on the go - projects, I hasten to add, that I am enjoying doing - just need a few more hours in the day.

Like this scrap, mainly vintage, tumbling blocks - work in progress...

You can see parts are still in units, I was checking out how much more I need/want to do

It's a good project for taking to meetings, it is all in a roll up case my sister in law made for me.

You see the bright green in the centre of the photo? the one with the little white pattern? that's one of the first fabrics I ever bought by mail from America.  It was when Quilters Newsletter had the shop, Quilts and Other Comforts I think the name was.  At that time we couldn't get much green here, so I sent away for a pack of greens and I still have bits and pieces in my scrap bags.

The completed top I wanted to share is one I made after a friend organised the Block of the Month for Pinestream Quilters.  We were asked to use bright strips with black and white for the corners of the snowball block - I decided to make one for myself, using really bright brights!

I used some of the half square triangles from the sew and flip corners to make a little block for a corner stone

I think the quilt looks rather like paper lanterns.

I had an unexpected trip into Wellington today, a chunk fell off one of my fillings when I was cleaning my teeth this morning and I was lucky to be able to see my dentist straight away - I was due for my check up next week but didn't want to wait in case I ended up with toothache....... as a treat I went into Whitcoulls and found a couple of DVDs to ease the pain - my dentist did find a very awkward filling to do next week!  I noticed a boxed set of Lark Rise to Candleford - but that was very expensive...... hmmm depends how uncomfortable the procedure is next week.....

Tomorrow evening I am on the roster to help set up Fabrications at the Horticultural Hall in Lower Hutt,
which promises to be a great event.  I shall be going along on Saturday after quilting at the prison and am taking a couple of pieces of vintage fabric to see what the expert says about them.  Might see some of you there.

Our thought for the day is so apt for bloggers, "Think before you ink".

Thanks for dropping by and for your comments.



Nancy J said...

Wow!! Tumbling blocks, they look great and I so like the colours together.Ouch!!! and more !!!,Depends on the cost, but all rewards should be included in any estimate.Clouds hovering, we should see some down there in December.Hope there is no slush, snow or gale winds when we visit.Cheers from Jean

Linda said...

I am in love with your tumbling blocks...amazing! And your scrappy snowballs with the white and black corners is an awesome idea. I love the design. I may have to try this one!!