Sunday, 25 March 2018

The times they are a-changing!

What a glorious sunset - photo taken by, Phil and I think that's the South Island in the distance, maybe the Kaikoura Range...

Yesterday I went to the monthly meeting of Capital Quilters; what with one thing and another, I haven't been for months so when I noticed I was down for library duty I knew I had to make a big effort and it was well worth it to see so many quilting friends, including the speaker, Pauline Cave, a fellow scrap quilter.

Part of the big effort was caused by the fact that I am not allowed to drive my car for a month! no, I haven't been a naughty girl... just had some weird sensations early one morning and I wondered about telling my doctor, you know just in case she thought it was important.  So, easy peasey, I put a question on the Health 365 site then jumped into my car and drove to the library, did a bit of window shopping in Jackson Street, had a coffee then drove home.  The phone rang as I walked in the door,  it was my doctor to tell me she had ordered an ambulance to take me to the hospital for more tests! 

Bless them they came quietly and I sat by the phone ready to tell them if anything changed - feeling an absolute fraud, but I do understand they must follow best practice.

I know it's been ages since I posted but this is ridiculous!  the photos have a mind of their own - but since it's here, this is a photo from one of my favourite tv programmes, Cash Cowboys, two Canadian pickers - I have a soft spot for Canada - and in one episode they were picking this very crowded house and in the attic were several dusty boxes, this we one.  You can imagine I was surprised to see the family name on a product in Canada.  Those were the days, cleaning the grate with black lead!

This quilt caught my eye, using a block I used quite a bit in my Five Inch squares class.

On the quilting front I have finally finished the backing for the Venetian Dream and decided on the binding - photo to follow.

Time for bed I think, lovely to be back, I'll sort out the photo problem, hasn't been the same since I had to change to gmail...I think they've all been saved to My Drive - no idea where that is...

Ok, here's another photo from Phil,

I love that old tree - and the thought, "It's a funny thing about life, if you refuse to accept anything but the best, you very often get it." W. Somerset Maugham.

Thanks for reading my blog.
