Just like this seagull - centre stage, right between the clouds! Taken of course by Phil who was my driver on the recent Investiture ceremony at Government House when I was presented with my award.
It was such a great day, weather was beautiful and my family were all there to celebrate with me. The official photos will be ready soon - the big names were televised, as they should be but it was great to rub shoulders with them both at the Investiture and on Friday evening at the dinner.
When I was rung and invited to the dinner I thought it was one of my friends having me on! but no, the invitation was for me and one guest so I asked Barbara Freeman who has been teaching with me at the prison for several years.
I have been blown away by all the attention; like the seagull I was there at the right time when we started the class at the prison and, once started, I knew I couldn't walk away. It's the same with any teaching, seeing the look on a person's face when they "get it" and can then use that skill or information, is very powerful.
One of the women in my class has really got it, and I was thrilled when she said recently, "I haven't felt this good about myself for a long time" as she pinned and sewed on borders for a quilt for a family member.
At the Investiture dinner last week I noticed the chandelier above the table had real candles and mentioned that my granddaughters were disappointed that in one of the reception rooms, the chandelier had electric light bulbs. The wife of the Governor General was one chair away and she suggested I take a photo to show my granddaughters! A photo, there?! Why not?, she said - so out came my iPhone, very discreetly, and I took a quick photo - then, a gentleman sitting opposite, insisted I have my photo taken. He leaned over and took the phone - I really don't think he was familiar with it - and eventually when nothing appeared to be happening I put out my hand and took it back - and there were several photos of me..........so here's one -
oh dear, the heavy insignia is pulling down my top and exposing lots of camisole........ then, as we left the dining room, a quickie of the table and chandelier -
What an evening! The food, the service, the ambience and the company, all so great - truly a night to remember!
To close, another photo taken during the recent fog - I've shared some Phil took at Baring Head lighthouse; Wellington hills and the sea are hidden... gorgeous colours.....
I've found a new word to use in the coming winter months to describe the bitterly cold wind - frigerifick -I think it sounds perfect!
Thanks for stopping by,